It seems counterintuitive to put oil on your face. You learn when you’re young and your face breaks out for the first time that oil is not a good thing. You learn to blot it with absorbent wipes and cover it with makeup. You look for products that will dry out your skin. Think about the Clean& Clear commercials; we were always told that where oil is, there too are breakouts.

But as you age and your body changes, so do the products you need. Acne-prone teenagers may not need extra oil, but after yearsof damage and sun, your skin might. Like everything else – collagen, energy –our bodies produce less oil as we get older.

We need oils. It’s why our sebaceous glands produce them.

Oil locks moisture in by keeping water from gettingout. Oil and water don’t mix; oil is called hydrophobic, or afraid of water. It fills the spaces between our cells and acts like a sealant.

Without oil, your skin cells can separate, allowing water to leak out. The fancy name for this is transepidermal water loss, and it’s a process that causes dryness and the wrinkles we all dread.

Such is the impetus for face oils, which are trending now, though they’re hardly a new idea. The Handbook of Essential Oils:Science, Technology and Applications points out that ancient Egyptians used oils in cosmetics as early as 4500 B.C.

Face oils just supplement the oil our sebaceous glands already produce.

There’s been some debate over face oils and whether they actually work, or are just a marketing scheme. Debate is not uncommon; for example, contrasting views about eggs for health rotate every week it seems. But the thing about face oils is they work visibly and instantaneously. When you apply an oil, your face glows. If you have doubts,try it.

Critics often point out that oils don’t actually hydrate. Oils tend to stay on the surface of your skin. Some oils,such as argan and jojoba, are comprised of molecules small enough to get through the skin barrier. But most oils don’t get past the surface; they’re not supposed to. Their job isn’t to hydrate, but to ensure the hydration doesn’t escape. That’s why it’s best to pair an oil with a moisturizer. You don’t need much; a few drops will suffice.

Certain types of oils have other benefits, too. Some, such as tea tree oil, are antibacterial and antiviral.Many have anti-inflammatory properties, making them good for treating breakouts.  

There are plenty of oils on the market.Do your research and find one that suits your skin type. And if are looking fora great recommendation, try our Face Oil 10- a combo of grape seed, caster,meadowfoam seed, and other fruit seed oil (not to mention all the other anti-aging ingredients that help smooth your skin 😊).

Written by Allyson Welch

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